Embracing Learners with Visual Impairments in CSCL


This autoethnographic study aims to shed light on the collaborative experience of a learner with a visual impairment in a blended CSCL environment. Through the analysis of personal reflections, this qualitative study captures some emergent themes and challenges in both the face-to-face and virtual environments with the intent to improve diversity, accessibility, and equity in CSCL.

In International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) Conference, ISLS

This work has been presented in the 2017 International Conference on Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning in Philadelphia, US.

JooYoung Seo
JooYoung Seo
Ph.D. Candidate (ABD) in Learning, Design, and Technology

My research topics include STEM education, computational thinking and accessible makerspaces.
